Skidaway Island 2021-22

P.A.C.K. Carts

Purchased 5 stainless steel carts for weekly transport weekend food bags to SCPSS students by PACK (People of Action Caring for Kids). 1,000 students in Savannah Chatham Public Schools and their families benefited from the program. Three Rotarians volunteer weekly to pack food bags. One Rotary also volunteers for other PACK activities.



Skidaway Island 2020-21



Hesse School “COW” 

The Skidaway Club funded the purchase of Chromebooks and mice to complete the COW (Computers on Wheels) project it initially funded in 2019-20. COW is a movable cart wired for recharging; it holds 32 Chromebooks, each with a mouse. More than 30 students plus teachers from multiple classrooms at Hesse K-8 School had access to computers. One Club member assisted school staff is implementing the grant. Due to COVID school closure, Club members were not able to participate in student mentoring as planned.

Other past literacy projects include working with Savannah Early Childhood Education – Parent University. In place of gifts  meeting speakers sign books that are donated to pre-school age children of Parent University attendees. With 2019-20 District Grant, the Club established a monthly home-delivery book program for Parent University children. Ferst Readers provides all administrative support, logistics and delivery of books. A parent newsletter and guides for crafts and other parent activities are including with each monthly book. Children receive monthly books from date of parent enrollment to their fifth birthday. In 2018 and 2019, the club adopted two entire schools (Hesse K8 and Isle of Hope) for the Savannah Rotary Read-In and each year supplied a total of 45 volunteer readers with books. The Club has engaged in three other literacy projects. P.A.C.K. (People of Action Caring for Kids), knowing that learning requires adequate nutrition and that many children in Savannah Chatham County Public Schools rely on meals at school, provides and delivers “weekend meal bags.” Members of our Club help pack meal bags each week and provide financial support. Through its new Boutique, PACK provides clothes, personal hygiene items, books and school supplies to children in the foster system (3 “shopping trips” per year). The YMCA of Coastal Georgia – Y Readers, an after-school program for K-Grade 3 students, received our donated funds to purchase an end-of-year book for every student. Finally, the Club supported Horizons Savannah, a summer camp with reading and math programs, by funding 60 books so every middle school student could have a personal copy and by funding 30 books so every 4th grade student could have a personal copy