Improving natal outcomes in her native land

Improving natal outcomes in her native land

By Geoffrey Johnson In 2014, after she ended her nine-year tenure as executive director of a community health clinic in Savannah, Georgia, Miriam Rittmeyer needed a little time to recharge her batteries. She exhibited her colorful oil paintings inspired by her native...
Area 5 – Pints & Pinot for Polio

Area 5 – Pints & Pinot for Polio

Thank you Susan and Jason Bates for hosting our Area 5 annual Polio Plus (Pints and Pino for Polio) celebration at Tipsy McFly’s. A special thank you to Trena Smith-Smyth, and her team for spearheading the event. We had a special gift – designed by Terry...
Create a blog post!

Create a blog post!

Do you have something interesting your club did? Do you have an upcoming event that district Rotarians might want to attend? A bit of news?  An announcement?  A fundraiser? Want your club recognized? Consider doing a blog post on the District Web Site!!!!! Here’s how!...
Furniture for Haiti

Furniture for Haiti

Dear PDG Ed, Immediate past president Shanda, and president of Augusta Rotary Club, Thanks to Augusta Rotary Club’s generous support to defray the cost of shipping a container load of classroom furniture from Claxton to a Catholic School in the village of Verrettes,...
Rotary Leadership Institute

Rotary Leadership Institute

Ok Rotarians, if your Rotary year’s resolution this year was to be a better Rotarian and make your club the best, we are ready to help you by strengthening your Rotary knowledge!!! The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) sessions for Parts I and II are being offered and...